Festa Galattica 2024 is taking place in a beautiful isolated and magic recreation area called “Área de Lazer de Ancede”, by the little river “Rio Ovil”, in Ancede, located in Baião municipality, in Portugal.
GPS coordinates: 41°06’44.3″N 8°03’48.0″W / 41.112305, -8.063330
75 km from Porto, 370 km from Lisbon, 516 km from Madrid, 600 km from Faro, and 1976 km from London
How to get there if you are Hitchhiking:
HitchWiki is the online collaborative hitchhiking bible! Read this text about the first time and, and these top tips. See here Hitchwiki’s page, with all the steps about how to arrive to Ancede.
You may also download the free app: “My hitchhiking spots”.
Some additional tips: Coming from most places in Portugal, specially located at the portuguese coast, we recommend you to pass by Porto. The region can be a little tricky because of the big number of highways and its possible destinations – but you might find a lot of friendly people and loads of cars. If you are in Porto, and want complete info about how to hitch from here to any point, just check this hitchwiki’s page and check the towards east section. In any case, you can use the gas station hitchspot “Área de Serviço de Águas Santas”, in the A4 (it is possible to take the train to “Águas Santas/Palmilheira” and then walk for 15 minutes). There you can take a ride until Marco de Canaveses exit, and then thumb towards Baião and to Festança.
How to get there by Public Transport:
The most comfortable way of reaching Festa Galattica using public transport is by train.
Once in Porto, use São Bento or Campanhã train stations, direction to Régua (“linha do Douro”), and leave the train at Mosteirô.
Mosteirô train station is only 5km away from Festa Galattica. This distance can be completed by foot or hitchhiking.
Connection from train station in Mosteirô to Festança: There will be a connection whenever a train arrives at Mosteirô station. The same will be done whenever there are passengers who have arrived, just call the telephone number that will be available and indicated on a sign at the station.
How to get there by Car:
If you come by car, try to fill up your seats. Let the others know about your trip in the whatsapp group of Festa Galattica, and keep your eyes wide open to any hitchhikers in gas stations or on the side of the road. Everybody will be happy!
If you are using the highway (paid) option, you want to take the A4 if you are coming from Porto, or to take the A41 if you are coming from Lisbon in order to reach the A4, direction Vila Real. Once in the A4, you take the exit 14 to Marco de Canaveses, taking the national road N211. After passing Marco de Canaveses, you want to follow the road direction to Baião, but before reaching it you turn right on a plate saying “Lameirão, Grilo and Centro Hípico”. Right after turning go right and then left after a few meters. Go all the way down that road (M582) until you join the national road N321. It’s about 6km. Once you’re there take the road to the right for 1km, until you find another cross road. There you turn left (follow a plate called “Mosteiro de Ancede”), keeping on the N321. Keep going for about a little bit more than 3km, and now, attention, after a small curve to the left you will find a very tight small curve to the right (there’s a plate with “Área de Lazer”). It’s a great sign, you are finally at Festa Galattica!
If you are not using the highway, the only difference is that once in Porto, you take A4 only until the way out “Ermesinde” (where the tolls start). You will then find a roundabout, where you will take the 1st right, road N15. You will go all the way to Penafiel (something about 30 km). Once in Penafiel you keep on the N15 until you find a roundabout where you will turn right to Marco de Canaveses. Once there, just follow the same instructions given up for the highway.
How to get there by Bike:
If you are coming by bike or if you want to add some adventure to your coming to Festa Galattica, you can use this bike maps platform, which will help you to sketch one way to the festival. You and your bike are more than welcome!
How to get there walking from the Camino de Santiago or Lisbon
Check this site for all details how to arrive by walking: https://www.camminosantiagodecompostela.it/percorsi/cammino-portoghese/da-porto
Festival Map