Join the Festa Galattica tribe! Lend us your skills, talents, hands or ingenious mind! We welcome new members to help us before, after and during events. Here we give you all the info to be a volunteer.
You can volunteer before and after the festival or during it. Therefore there are volunteers on two shifts: the preparation volunteers and the care volunteers .
For those who want to help before and after (so during the festival they enjoy it) we usually meet a week before the start of the party and stay a day or two after it ends . We work together to create the space that will welcome our great tribe.
The main things to do are:
- preparing the spaceship, i.e. the kitchen
- arrange the territory and clean it
- create the outdoor compostable toilet
- create the healing zone
- set up tent stations
- signage creation/maintenance
- various maintenance
- final tidy up
If, on the other hand, you want to help during the festival, and therefore give your contribution to take care of people and spaces, the tasks are various:
- help in the spaceship (our vegetarian and vegan kitchen) on shifts
- help at the bar for drinks distribution, also on shifts
- documentation of the event, with photos and videos (established and fixed role for the entire duration of the festival)
- help in cleaning and tidying up the space
- support in activities and towards all brothers and sisters
And remember: if you see something to do, then it’s meant for you! Do! if you have any doubts, ask the focuser of the staff and let’s get to work!
Not everyone can want to volunteer in the terms just described, and we believe in valuing everyone’s skills and talents. So if you want to give us a hand, there are other focuses you can take to give your contribution to the project. Write us your ideas, your skills, if you have particular equipment you want to share or know who has it. We are here to create amazing bridges between worlds, and you are needed. â€ïž